[su_tabs] [su_tabs] [su_tab title=”Intra- Organizational“] 

These are research projects that are done using the center’s funds and their results have been published as articles, books, workshops and scientific reports. The results of these projects following the commercialization of the research, is distributed/sold to applicants in collaboration with different organizations.[/su_tab]

[su_tab title=”Joint research“]This kind of research is done by using joint investment from the research center and administrational organizations. In this section the proposal is presented by either side and with the agreement of both parties the plan program is set and carried out. The research group can be from the center or sometimes formed jointly. The project’s outcome belongs to both sides based on the level of participation. Participation might be between a number of administrational organizations, local and foreign universities and the NAZAR research center. [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Extra- Organizational“] These researches are demand-driven and done according to the administrational organization’s proposal in order to meet the need of the society and localize science. The administrational organization is the source that provides the research expenditures and its executive is the research center. The practical achievements belong to the investor and the executive is responsible for publishing the scientific results.[/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
