“New theories” the basis for introduction of novel theories and ideas, is the topic of the workshop that is scheduled by the center. In these workshop pundits from various areas including art, architecture, city, landscape, and tourism discuss their research findings for the first time. Their performance, will not only lead to the patent of their subject/idea, but also will lead to receiving useful and accomplishing critics.

According to the center’s policies the works must have innovation as well as to follow scientific principles. Having empirical validation, clarity, logical explicitness, stability, and not being descriptive are amongst specifications of these new theories.


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[su_tabs active=”1″]

[su_tab title=”2017″]

  • “Mehr” motifs in the Iranian carpet designs, Lecturer: Dr. N. Daryaee


[su_tab title=”2016″]

  • Mehr ritual narrated by Shahname, Lecturer: Dr. F. Joneydi


  •  Sabean Mandaean: cosmology, structures and landscape, Lecturer: Dr. M. Arabesteni.


  • Yezidis, Lecturer: Dr. F. Avarzamani.


  • New Approaches to ritual function of Kalmakareh cave, Lecturer: Dr. M. Kalhor.


[su_tab title=”2014″]

  • Investigation and recognition of newly discovered petroglyph of Hormizd I, the Sassanid ruler, Lecturer: Dr. F. Avarzamani.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/article_10535.html” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • Historic City: The Cultural, Historical and Natural Structures, Lecturer: Naser Mashhadizadeh.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/article_6317_849.html” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • Searching for Persian Architecture in India, Lecturer: Dr. M. Khajehpiri.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/article_6316_849.html” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • An experience of Architecture in social cohesion- Mosque of“Rijeka” in Croatia, lecturer: Vedran Abocina.


[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/article_5703_849.html” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button][/su_tab] [su_tab title=”2013″]

  • Architectural Mysteries of Anahita Temple, Lecturer: Dr. F. Avarzamani.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/article_5719_849.html” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • Reading of Shahnameh: Describe the city Siavash, lecturer: MahinBanu Asadi.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/article_5039_425.html” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • Evaluation methods of landscape projects, lecturer: Mohammadreza Mehrabani Golzar.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=4066&vol=425″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • We and the Islamic City, lecturer: Naser Barari.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=3544&vol=425″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • The Territory of Mehr, Lecturer: S. A. Mansouri.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=2917&vol=425″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button][/su_tab] [su_tab title=”2012″]

  • Existence Sound of Iranian garden, M. Sheybani.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=2696&vol=201″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • Evolution of Hinduism, Lecturer: Dr. F.Azamlotfi.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=2232&vol=201″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • Recreating of Cultural Landscape of the Gardens of Babur – Kabul, Lecturer: R. Nanda.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=2231&vol=201″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • Gardening along the Silk Road, Lecturer: F. Sabouri.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=2230&vol=201″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • Neighbors; the Landscape of Habitation in Tehran, Lecturer: S. Sadatnia.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=1759&vol=201″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • The Sun of the East; History of Sciences in Iran, Lecturer: Dr. F. Joneidi.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=1760&vol=201″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  • Landscaping; Another Look to Iran’s Nature, Lecturer: A. Nasrabadi.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=1760&vol=201″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button][/su_tab] [su_tab title=”2011″]

  • Varhang, Lecturer: Dr. N. Barati.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/?_action=articleInfo&article=746&vol=22″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

  •  The Pattern of Safavid’s Gardens, Lecturer: Dr. M. Alemi.

[su_button url=”http://www.manzar-sj.com/article_742_22.html” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#dfca3c” color=”#000000″ center=”no”]Full Report[/su_button]

[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”2010″]

  • Sanandaj Shrines, Lecturer: Dr. Sh. Javadi.
  • A new look to Kaaba of Zoroaster, Lecturer: Dr. F. Avarzamani.
  • An Introduction to the Culture, Art and Clothing of the People in Tajikistan, Lecturer: Dr. Kh. Kazemi.
  • Sedentary and City in Shahnameh, Lecturer: Dr. F. Joneydi.
  • Sorkh Khaneh Fire Temple in Baku, Lecturer: B. Ajorloo.
  • Cyrus’ Character, Lecturer: Dr. F. Avarzamani.
  • Gemology, Lecturer: F. Avarzamani.


[su_tab title=”2009″]

  • Women in Sassanid Culture, Lecturer: Dr. F. Avarzamani.
  • Ancient Religions in Sacred Places in Iran, Lecturer: Dr. Sh. Javadi.
  • Restoration of Anahita Temple, Lecturer: Dr. F. Avarzamani.
  • Hermeneutics in Art and Questions about It, Lecturer: Dr. A. Noroozitalab. 
  • Hermeneutics and its Issues in Art, Lecturer: Dr. A. Noroozitalab. 
  • Hermeneutics, Science of Interpretation, Lecturer: Dr. A. Noroozitalab. 
  • What Is Modern?, Lecturer: Dr. S. Haghir. 
  • Modernity, Humanism, Tradition, Lecturer: Dr. S. Haghir. 
  • Modern Concept and Critical Thinking, Lecturer: Dr. S. Haghir. 
  • Iranian Garden, Lecturer: Dr. M. Ansari.
  • The Quiddity of City, Lecturer: Dr. S.A. Mansouri.


