“Tourism of Culture”, a scientific and bilingual journal, has been published in two languages, Persian and English, since 2020. This journal adopts an ontological approach to culture while focusing on tourism. Its mission is to emphasize the recognition and promotion of tourism and to plan for the related cultural activities. The journal attempts to make a differentiation between “culture” and “cultural issues” since they influence the level and type of tourism activities.

“Tourism of Culture” consists of two main parts:

  • Culture appreciation as the ultimate goal of this type of tourism;
  • Representation of civilizations’ cultural products as a subject of tourism activities.

Among the policies of the magazine, the following can be mentioned:

  • Registration and indexation of the journal in scientific databases
  • Active involvement in national and international events
  • Dissemination of articles in two languages (Persian and English)
  • Presence of an international editorial board.

زمینه انتشار: گردشگری فرهنگ و زمینه‌های وابسته

 صاحب امتیاز: پژوهشکده نظر
مدیر مسئول: دکتر سیدامیر منصوری
سردبیر: دکتر علی یاران

گروه دبیران (هیئت تحریریه)

  • دکتر مهدی کروبی
  • دکتر آذرتاش آذرنوش
  • دکتر علاءالدین آذری
  • دکتر مهدی شیبانی
  • دکتر بهرام آجورلو
  • دکتر سعید حقیر
  • دکتر لورا وردلی